Darin Dinsmore - Will discuss the launch of his NEW real-time, crowd-sourcing tool –CrowdBrite.com . This innovative tool will enhance collaboration, lower costs and accelerate community and corporate decisions.
Join the Silicon Mountain Group Monday, June 13 from 6-8 PM for a pre-launch demonstration and discussion on how this innovative tool can improve local prosperity, sustainability community design.
"I think Crowdbrite could really change how the community engages in planning projects.” – Lynn Richards, EPA
“It looks fantastic and the mobile app makes it even more exciting!” – Beth Offenbacker, Public Decisions
“This sounds like a really important tool as I believe that you are right about citizen engagement being the future of governance.” – Thomas Holland, Professor ASU
Local Planning and Sustainability Consultant turned crowd sourcing entrepreneur, Darin will be demonstrating his new internet based platform 'CrowdBrite' which is poised to bring mobile collaboration to a whole new level at home and abroad. "My mission is to build a better planet, one place, one project at a time." Says Dinsmore.
Darin is the owner of Dinsmore Sierra and has helped facilitate facilitate the South Lake Sustainability Plan, Truckee Rail Yard Masterplan, and new Ecodistricts in Portland.....to name a few. His mission is to transform communities, cities, and regions by inspiring innovation in planning and sustainability.
Join us at Tahoe Donner's Pizza on the Hill at 11509 Northwoods Blvd. A $5 fee includes pizza, salad, and soft drinks.
Silicon Mountain Group – A local networking group of technology professionals, entrepreneurs and virtuals that hosts a monthly meeting from 6-8 pm every 2nd Monday of each month. RSVP TahoeSiliconMoubtain@gmail.com. This event is sponsored by New Leaders a local web and mobile software development firm.
Contacts for questions:
Dr. Johannes Ziegler - founder of Silcon Mountain Group
President and CEO
Miaplaza Inc.
Phone: +1 (530) 587 7550
Darin Dinsmore - Speaker